Объявлен шорт-лист 8-ого международного конкурса Open Eurasia в категории “Публицистика Айгуль Альжаксина (Казахтан)Akylbek Djumanaliev (Кыргызстан)Акназар Курбанмамадов (Узбекистан)Анте Наудис (Россия)Ахмедиев Бейбит (Казахстан)Владислав Ермаченко (Россия)Гульсифат Шахиди (Таджикистан)Елена Гаркова (Казахстан)Жураев Нарзулла (Узбекистан)Катерина Гладкая (Украина)Cordelia Buchanan Ponczek (США)Мурат Уали (Казахстан)Rhys Wallis (Великобритания)Сергей Лебеденко (Словакия)София Тимуровна (Словакия)Татьяна Ясень (Россия) Победители будут оглашены на церемонии награждения,Read More …
Short-list Open Eurasian-2019 «SMALL PROSE»
The shortlist of the 8th international competition Open Eurasia in the category “Small Prose » has been announced” Ayzat Rakisheva (Kazakhstan) Aliya Temuriyzoda (Uzbekistan) Alex (Latvia) Anny (Russia) AUA Li (Russia) Banu Yesengeldi (Germany) Vladimir Korkin (Russia) Denis Sorokotyagi (Russia) Jasur Iskhakov (Uzbekistan) Elvira Mamedova (Azerbaijan) Elena Konstantinovich (Turkey) ElenaRead More …
Short-list Open Eurasian-2019 «ILLUSTRATION»
The shortlist of the 8th international competition Open Eurasia in the category “illustration » has been announced” Abishev Nurlan (Kazakhstan) Agafon Boke (Russia) Alesya Issa (Belarus) Alexander Batykov (Uzbekistan) Karimjanova Altynai (Kyrgyzstan) Aliya Temuriyzoda (Uzbekistan) Helen Rush (United Kingdom) Elena Bessmertnaya (Russia) Igor Barbov (Russia) Lyudmila Blokhina (Russia) Syzdykov MukhtarRead More …
Short-list Open Eurasian-2019 «TRANSLATION»
The shortlist of the 8th international competition Open Eurasia in the category “Translation » has been announced” Amanova Aida (Kazakhstan) Alain Filippova (Russia) Dana Jeteyeva (Kazakhstan) JenniFer chen ko (Russia) Luce (Israel)
Short-list Open Eurasian-2019 «VIDEO»
The shortlist of the 8th international competition Open Eurasia in the category «Video»: Andrey Yesaulov (Russia) Helen Rush (United Kingdom) Eva North (Russia) Natalia Mikhailovskaya (Kazakhstan) Yulia Ignatenko (Russia) The winners will be announced at the award ceremony, within the framework of the 8th international festival Open Eurasia Literature FestivalRead More …
Short-list Open Eurasian-2019 «PROSE»
The shortlist of the 8th international competition Open Eurasia in the category » Prose” Adam Filbert (Russia) Aziz Zairov (Kazakhstan) Aydin Shem (Russia) Ayzat Rakisheva (Kazakhstan) Aldona Grupas (Great Britain) Alexander Cegelski (Belarus) Andrew E. P. S. Sapsa (Moldova) Bangali Alimzhanov (Kazakhstan) Victoria Levina (Israel) Hamid Amirov (Russia) Dandy IskateliRead More …
Program of 8 OEBF Literary Festival 2019 Brussels
VIII Open Eurasian Book Forum and Literature Festival 2019 by Eurasian Creative Guild and Hertfordshire Press with AIDEX Provisional Programme OEBF-2019: 13/11/2019 Read More …
Eurasian Creative Guild (London) announces an international competition of works in the genre of journalism
The theme “Great Eurasia: successes and problems of regional cooperation” The vast territory of Eurasia includes 94 states. 94 independent international relations and developing republics. For more than 30 years, the countries of the post-Soviet space have been building interregional relations with each other and with other countries on theRead More …
Open Eurasia 2019 Contest Announced!
Open Eurasia is an international creative competition, now in its eighth year, which brings together creative people from all over the world. Writers, poets, translators, illustrators, videographers, and publicists will be competing for a number of awards with a total prize fund of $31,000. The winners’ money will towards design and print costsRead More …