We are pleased to announce an exclusive offer for aspiring authors under 30.
If you are a young person with a wealth of ideas and a desire to be heard, we invite you to participate in our contest. We are offering authors aged 20 to 30 the opportunity to take part in our contest free of charge.
What’s in store for you?Publication of an extract of your work in a print anthology to be published in London.Creation of a personalised page on the competition website where you can present yourself and your work.A chance to win a book publication and presentation at the 15th Open Eurasian Literature Festival & Book Forum!
To participate, please fill in the questionnaire and submit your work to the specified e-mail address.This is an excellent opportunity to gain exposure and establish a presence within the global literary community.
Further details are available on our website.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Please note that places are limited and for more information, please contact the administrator.